Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Writing First

A few days after Whitney Houston's death I was asked to write a cover article on her life and death for Visions Magazine.  The theme:  Tragedy to Triumph.  At first I wasn't sure.  I had never written a cover article before.  I didn't know a lot about Whitney Houston.  I wasn't sure how I would find the time...or the inspiration. Still, it seemed like an amazing opportunity. I watched Whitney's "homegoing" on television, all the while furiously scribbling notes.  I began to research her life, and as I did, God began giving me the inspiration I needed.

What I didn't want to write was just another article about Whitney Houston.  The more I learned about her, the more I became convinced that she wouldn't have wanted that either.  Besides, most publications took the "triumph to tragedy" approach, and my assignment was the opposite.  You can find the article on pages 15-23 at the link below and read the result for yourself.  May Jesus Christ be praised!

Whitney Houston: A Journey Home

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