Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Speaking In Psalms

Speaking In Psalms

I’ve been attending a Sunday School class on Psalms. At Christmas time we looked at Mary’s song, which is found in Luke 1: 46-55. It’s obvious that Mary, although she was young –and a girl at that, knew the Scriptures, because her song is comprised of many quotes from the Old Testament, mostly from Psalms.

We were encouraged to write our own personal Psalm of praise and come back prepared to share it with the class “…speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,” as we’re instructed to do in Ephesians 5:17. I have to admit that writing it was a challenge, but it was also uplifting. The most difficult part, however, was sharing it!

The dear woman who shared hers just ahead of me remarked, “This is so personal. I don’t know if I can read it.” But read it she did, and hearing her voice crack with emotion was touching. Next, it was my turn, and although I’ve shared my poetry and writings on many occasions, this was different. I felt as if I was suddenly naked right there in church! I had chosen a refrain to run like a continuous stream throughout my Psalm, just as the truth of it has recurred throughout my life. Each time I came to the refrain, it became increasingly difficult to get the words out.

I think it was the use of God’s Word that made our Psalms so emotional and powerful. It made me appreciate how David must have felt, and Mary, too, writing from the very depths of their souls.

Writing your own personal Psalm is something you can do whether or not you claim to be a writer. Begin by reading Mary’s Psalm. Next, write down several verses of Scripture that have been meaningful to you. Then list some specific ways God has blessed you or worked in your life. Finally, merge the two, inserting the Scripture where it seems to fit, or in any way it makes sense to you. I know you will be blessed by the result. Re-read your psalm often and be encouraged by the Truth as it applies to you, personally.

Here’s my Psalm, along with references for the Scriptures I used:

Sharlyn’s Psalm

Oh God, You have searched me and known me;
sometimes that thought makes me tremble.
Even the darkness is not dark to You,
And the night is as bright as the day. (Psalm 139:1)

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

Yours was the song that soothed my childish heart
and made the terrors flee;
the terrors that often threatened to overwhelm me
as I huddled in darkness beneath my covers.

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

Throughout my teenage years I struggled.
Was I worthy? Who on earth could I trust?
But You have loved me with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3)
Your lovingkindness is better than life. (Psalm 63:3)

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

You blessed me with a loving and trustworthy mate,
satisfying my heart’s deepest longings.
Then, You blessed us with three robust sons,
for whom I sought Your wisdom and direction.

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

Concerning our sons, You honored my prayers,
drawing each into relationship with You.
They have all had their trials, Lord.
I plead often for Your grace and mercy on their behalf.

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

Throughout my days I have delighted myself in You, Lord.
In turn, You have filled my heart with desires of Your choosing.
And, when I take time to reflect, I realize
You have graciously fulfilled those desires in amazing ways! (Psalm 37:4)

Your tender mercies are new each morning.
Your compassion never fails. (Lamentations 2:22-23)

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.
With my mouth I will make known His faithfulness;
and through spoken and written words
I will declare His greatness to my grandchildren and every generation…
(Psalm 89:1)


  1. What a lovely and touching psalm, Sharlyn! Thank you for sharing it.

  2. The Scripture you wove through out was perfect, but it was your own words that touched me most. I know they came straight from your heart.


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